Product FAQ
How long does it take for delivery?
For pre-orders, we will notify you by email to inform you when the product is ready. Once ready, in most cases, your order will ship within 5 business days. We'll send you an email when it ships along with a confirmation email that has your delivery service information and tracking number.
When will my credit card be charged for a pre-order purchase?
two For pre-orders, we will notify you by email to inform you when the product is ready. Once ready, in most cases, your order will ship within 5 business days. We'll send you an email when it ships along with a confirmation email that has your delivery service information and tracking number.
I selected the incorrect quantity for my order, but it's already gone through. Can I change it?
three For pre-orders, we will notify you by email to inform you when the product is ready. Once ready, in most cases, your order will ship within 5 business days. We'll send you an email when it ships along with a confirmation email that has your delivery service information and tracking number.